Frontend Development
IQ Hub Frontend Development programme is beginner-friendly and project based. It is designed to help participants become job-ready
Frontend Development Course Outline
Introduction to Frontend Development /Basic of HTML
Understanding of how to render different HTML elements in the browser
Introduction to Frontend Development
- Overview of Web Development (Frontend vs. Backend)
- Tools of the Trade: Text Editors, IDEs, and Browsers
- Introduction to Version Control (Git and GitHub)
Introduction to HTML
- Advantages and limitations of HTML
- HTML Comments
- Basic HTML Tags
- HTML Elements
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Text Formatting
- Quotations
- Links, Images, Tables, Lists
- Block and Inline Elements
- Iframes
- File Paths
- Viewport Meta Tags
HTML entities
- Doctypes
- HTML Attributes
- Audio/Video
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Understanding of how to style HTML elements in the browser
Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS and its purpose
- Benefits of CSS
- How CSS works
- External, Internal, and Inline CSS
Text Properties
- Color
- Text-align
- Text-decoration
- Line-height
- Letter-spacing
- Word-spacing
- Using Google Fonts and Web Safe Fonts
- Applying Text Shadows
- Styling Text Links
CSS Positioning
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Sticky Positioning
- Z-index
- Float and clear
- Centering Elements Horizontally and Vertically
CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
- Defining Variables
- Using CSS Variables
CSS Layout Techniques
- Display Types
- Block
- Inline
- Inline-block
CSS Frameworks
- Using Bootstrap: Components and Grid System
- Introduction to Tailwind CSS: Utility-First Approach
CSS Syntax and Selectors
- Basic CSS Syntax: Rules and Properties
- Types of Selectors
- Element (Tag) Selector
- Class Selector
- ID Selector
- Universal Selector
- Attribute Selectors
- Grouping Selectors
- Pseudo-Classes
- Pseudo-Elements
Box Model
- Content, Padding, Border, and Margin
- Understanding and Controlling the Box Model
- box-sizing Property
- Handling Width and Height
CSS Units
- Absolute Units
- Relative Units
CSS Transitions and Animations
- Understanding Transitions
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- Keyframes Animation @keyframes
- Applying Animations to Elements
- Animation Properties
- animation-name
- animation-duration
- animation-timing-function
Flexbox Layout
- Flex Container
- Flex Items
- Aligning
- Justifying
- Wrapping Items
- Flex Direction
- Flex Row
- Flex columns
- Flex Grow
- Ordering
Font Properties
- Font-size
- Font-family
- Font-weight
- Font-style
Colors and Background
- Color Properties
- Working with RGB and HEX
- Applying Background Images
- Background image
- Background-size
- Background-position
- Background-attachment
- Background-repeat
- Gradient Backgrounds
- Linear and Radial Gradients
Responsive Web Design with CSS
- Media Queries for Responsive Design
- Applying Breakpoints for Different Screen Sizes
- Fluid Layouts Using Percentages
- Responsive Typography and Images
- Using Viewport Units
- Viewport height
- Viewport width
CSS Transformations
- Transforming Elements with transform
- Scale
- Rotate
- Translate
- Skew
Grid Layout
- Grid Container
- Grid Items
- Grid Template Rows
- Grid Template Columns
- Gap
- Alignment in Grid
Get the skills and confidence to understand JavaScript. Follow a structured learning path to grow your skills more quickly. Work on real projects and build your portfolio.
Introduction to JavaScript
- Overview of JavaScript
- Installing Code Editor
- Developer console
- Adding JavaScript into HTML
- JavaScript Statements
- Basic Syntax
- Input and output
- JavaScript Comments
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
JavaScript Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison Operators
- JavaScript Unary Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Instanceof Operator
JavaScript Functions
- Inbuilt Functions
- User-defined functions
- Anonymous Functions
- Functions as First-Class Citizens
- Callback Functions
- Higher order function (map, filter, reduce, find)
- Understanding variable scopes in JavaScript
- JavaScript Hoisting
- JavaScript Strict Mode
- this in JavaScript
Document Object Model (DOM)
- Introduction to Document Object Model
- Select Element By Id
- Select Elements By Name
- Select Elements By Tag Name
- Select Elements By Class Names
- Select Element By CSS Selectors
- Traversing elements
- Get the Parent Element
- Get Siblings of an Element
- Get Children of an Element
- Manipulating elements
- Create Elements
- Append Child Nodes
- InnerHTML
Storing data in the browser
- Cookies
- LocalStorage
- sessionStorage
Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises
- Async/await
Variables in JavaScript
- The use of variables
- JavaScript Let
- JavaScript Const
- JavaScript Reserved Words
- Operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison Operators
- JavaScript Unary Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Instanceof Operator
Arrays in JavaScript
- Basic Array Methods
- sort() Method
- Array Iteration Methods
Javascript Form
- How to Create a Form with the JavaScript?
- Form validation
- Template Literals
- Object Literal Syntax
- Default Parameters
- Rest Parameters
- Spread Operator
- Destructuring
Error Handling
- try…catch
- try…catch…finally
- Throw an Exception
Data types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Boolean
- Array
- Objects
- Null
- Undefined
Loops in JavaScript
- For Loop
- While Loop
- For-in Loop
- Differences between and for ..of
JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript String Methods
- How to sort strings in JavaScript?
Event handling
- Introduction to Events
- Page Load Events
- The onLoad Event
- The DOMContent
- Mouse Events
- Keyboard Events
- Scroll Events
- What is the arrow function
- Importing and Exporting Modules
React JS
Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps with React
Introduction to React
- What is React JS?
- Why use React instead of JavaScript
- Project Overview
- Roadmap
- React Setup
State and event handling
- Handling Events in React
- Why are States required?
- useState() Hook
- Form Handling
- Handling form Submission
Global state management with context
- What is React Context?
- React context vs Redux
- When to use React Context?
- Application of react context
React Setup
- Environment Setup
- Creating New Project
- Analyzing Project Structure
Contents conditional rendering
- Rendering of List
- Importance of key attribute
- Conditional Statements & Output
- Steps to create a production build
- Hosting your application online
React basics and components
- Components & Why React is Component-Based?
- React Elements
- Building Component
- Styling Components
- Dynamic Data in components
- Passing data using Props
Multipage Single page application with react-router
- Introduction to routing
- What is Routing, how it works & installation
- Basic Routing
- Link and NavLink
- Dynamic Routes
- Nested Routes
- Redirection and Not Found Page
Version Control and Collaboration
Advanced Git Concepts
- Branching and Merging: Managing codebases
- Resolving Merge Conflicts
Collaborating with GitHub
- Forking Repositories, Pull Requests
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD
API Consumption and Integration
Understanding APIs
- What are APIs? Overview of REST and GraphQL
- API Endpoints, Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and Status Codes
- API Authentication: Tokens, API Keys, OAuth
Practical Examples
- Fetching data from public APIs (e.g., OpenWeatherMap, Unsplash, TMDb)
- Rendering API data dynamically in the DOM
- Implementing infinite scrolling or pagination
Building Real-World Applications
- Weather App: Fetch and display real-time weather data
- News Aggregator: Display top headlines using a news API
- Search Feature: Create a search bar to query an API and display result
Fetching Data with JavaScript
- Using the fetch API:
- Making GET requests to retrieve data
- Handling promises and errors
- Posting data to APIs (POST requests)
- Using third-party libraries like Axios for API consumption
Advanced API Concepts
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): Understanding and resolving issues
- Rate Limits: Best practices for handling API quotas
- Chaining API Calls: Making dependent requests
Working with JSON
- Parsing JSON data from API responses
- Creating and sending JSON payloads in POST requests
GraphQL Basics (Optional)
- Introduction to GraphQL Queries and Mutations
- Consuming GraphQL APIs using tools like Apollo Client
Testing and Debugging
Debugging Tools
- Using Browser Developer Tools for debugging
- Identifying and resolving common errors
Testing Basics
- Unit Testing with Jest
- UI Testing with Cypress
Capstone Project
End-to-End Project
- Build a fully responsive, interactive website
- Design wireframes and mockups
- Implement using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and APIs
- Deploy the project using GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel
Additional Topics (Optional)
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Introduction to Service Workers and Offline Caching
Introduction to TypeScript
- Type Safety and Interfaces
Frontend Performance Optimization
- Lazy Loading, Minification, and Code Splitting