Backend Development
IQ Hub Backend Development programme is beginner-friendly and project based. It is designed to help participants become job-ready
Backend Development Course Outline
Python Programming
Understand Python programming and be able to translate concepts into pseudo-code and functional app
Introduction to Python
- Overview of Python
- Installation and setup
- Python Syntax
- Variables
- Reserved words
- Input and output
- Comments in Python
- Indexing tuple elements
- Unpacking Tuples
- Type Conversion
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operator
- Membership operator
- Identity operator
- In-built functions
- User-defined function
- Function parameter
- Lambda
- Map, filter, reduce
- *args and **kwargs
Working with Files
- Reading a Text File
- Writing to a Text File
- Creating a Text File
Data types
- Strings
- String properties
- Indexing and slicing
- String methods
- Numbers
- Boolean
Python Dictionary
- Introduction to dictionary
- Nested dictionary
- Dictionary methods
- Indexing dictionary items
- Updating dictionary items
- Dictionary Comprehension
Control Flow
- If statement
- elif
- Modular programming
- Python package
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Introduction to Classes
- What are objects
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
Python Lists
- Introduction to Lists
- Sorting a List
- Slicing a List
- Unpacking a List
- Iterating over a List
- Finding Index of an Element: index()
Python Set
- Set Comprehension
- Union of Sets
- Intersection of Sets
- Difference between Sets
- Symmetric Difference of Sets
- While loops
- For loops
- For in Loops
Exception handling
- try…except
- try…except…finally
- try…except…else
Learn how to design, query and manipulate databases.
Introduction to SQL
- What is SQL?
- Create Table Statement
- ALTER TABLE Statements
- Rename Columns of a Table
- Modify Column DataType
- Drop Columns from Table
- Rename Tables
- Drop Tables
- What is Null Value?
SQL Joins
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
DML Statements
- Insert Statement
- Update Statement
- Delete Statement
- Truncate Statement
- Merge Statement
SQL Operators
- IN
Select Queries
- Select Query
- WHERE Clause
- GROUP BY Clause
- HAVING Clause
- ORDER BY Clause
SQL Functions
- AVG()
- MAX()
- MIN()
- SUM()
Understand how to plan a project, implement the plan and deploy the software after development
Django Introduction
- What is Django?
- Features of Django
- Advantages of Django
- Organizations using Django
- Understanding MVT design pattern
URL/Routing in Django
- Url patterns
- Static page routing
- Dynamic page routing
Django Models
- Understanding Django ORM (Object-relational mapper)
- Connecting to database
- Model class in Django
- Field types in the Django model
- Migration in Django
- Displaying models in Admin
- Understanding model relationships
- Create, read, update and delete data
Django Security
- Managing brute-force attack
- Adding ReCaptcha
- Session timeout
Django Fundamentals
- Setting up a virtual environment
- Installing Django
- Understanding Django folder structure
- Creating Projects
- Django Apps
- App settings
- Running Django server
Django Views
- Function-based views
- Creating Django views
Django Forms
- Creating a form with HTML
- Using Django model forms
- Form Validation
Static files in Django
- Static files configuration
- Styling in Django
- Adding JavaScript
- Managing media files
Site Administration
- Accessing the Django admin
- Setting up Django superuser
- Customizing the Django admin
Templating in Django
- Steps to creating templates
- Jinja Template tags
- Displaying data in Django templates
- Extending Django templates
User Authentication
- User Registration
- User login and Logout
- Login redirect
- Flash Messages
- Sending emails
Django Rest Framework For APIs
Understand how to expose the backend through APIs so it can be consumed by mobile apps, frontend frameworks and other platforms
Basic Django Setup
- Installation
- Models and Migrations
- Creating JSON Response
- DRF Introduction
- Serializers – GET Request
- Serializers – POST, PUT, DELETE Request
- Model Serializer
- Django Relationships
- URL Structure
- Viewsets and Routers
- Introduction to Permissions
- Introduction to Authentications
- Testing with Postman
- Implementing search and pagination